That’s not the case with Highster Mobile. If you want more features, you’ll have to pay extra to upgrade to a higher plan. Most spy software companies charge several hundred dollars per year to use their services. The best part about Highster Mobile is its price – one of the cheapest in the industry. It’s easy to use and can be set up in less than five minutes - and best of all, you don’t need to root or jailbreak the target phone to install it. Highster Mobile lets you monitor their smartphone usage and location remotely from your own phone. The app is available for both Android and iOS devices and is developed by ILF Mobile Apps, a company based in Bohemia, New York, that specializes in mobile security.

Highster Mobile is a cell phone spy and monitoring software that allows you to secretly monitor your children, employees, or loved ones without them ever knowing it. \r\n\r\nHackingods1 team is great.\r\n\r\nE mail - enquiry HACKINGODS1 gmail. \r\n\r\nHackingods1 team provides me the best monitoring service giving me access to my target phone without me touching it. This could have been resolved more efficiently if they would have been willing to follow their own refund policy.I sort online and found the best monitoring app when I found Hackingods1. I am now attempting to get refunded through their biller and if that doesn't work will be refusing the charge on my bank's side. I am very disappointed since I had read positive reviews prior to purchase. It's a scam backing for a subpar product. Different members of support keep replying \"please describe your issue\" even though I have described it repeatedly. Despite claiming a money back return policy, they would not issue my refund despite many attempts to request it.

Features I thought were available, were not, and features they claim are available do not work well like they do with competing products.

The product feature set was not well-advertised. "Would leave a worse review, if possible.