We’re particularly impressed how well the iPi Mocap deals with fast movements. The recording and tracking workflow is very streamlined, and we’ve been able to transfer the data onto our characters and ongoing pipeline development with good success. Using a six camera setup we are able to capture nice, clean motion capture data. iPi Soft offers great tutorials and advice on their website, as well as an active online community, both of which we found to be invaluable. When we chose iPi Motion Capture software for our in-house motion capture studio, we found the process of getting setup and running to be very fast and easy. I can record their performance and the key see it on screen within a minutes on a character. I can take a Kinect camera, and just put it on a tripod in a room with actors. There is actually a revolution happening in motion capture, thanks to the companies like iPi Soft. Finally the little guy can play with the big boys when it comes to mocap animation. For not a lot of money you get a mocap solution with quite usable results without an excessive amount of cleanup.

Whether you’re producing an animation or game project for final release, or just prototyping a new idea, iPi Motion Capture is an incredibly cost effective and easy-to-use solution for full-body motion capture using hardware you probably already own - and if you don’t, it’s also incredibly cost effective.